Possible use of biomass along with coal-fine squander in making briquette for eco friendly vitality along with surroundings.

and N. fascipennis sp. n. are described from Japan, together with micropterous feminine of N. elaeagni (Kudo) is recently recorded. An identification secret is offered to the 10 Neohydatothrips species known from Japan.A new genus of Neotropical Lycidae, Currhaeus gen. nov., is herein suggested whilst the 2nd Eurrhacini genus lacking parameres in male genitalia. Seven new species are described Currhaeus striatus sp. nov., C. nigroapicalis sp. nov., C. championi sp. nov., C. tabascensis sp. nov., C. ruschii sp. nov., C. polegattoi sp. nov., and C. paranaensis sp. nov. Illustrations of diagnostic characters and a key to species identification tend to be presented. Parsimony and maximum chance analyses of morphological data demonstrated that Currhaeus gen. nov. belongs in the crown Eurrhacini. Implied weighting parsimony woods recovered Currhaeus as sibling to Eurrhacus Waterhouse.Two types of axiid shrimp are reported from sublittoral to upper bathyal waters round the Ogasawara isles geriatric oncology , Japan. 1st, Bouvieraxius keiensis Sakai, 1992, is taped from Japanese waters the very first time, although it is known commonly through the southwestern Pacific to western Indian Ocean. Taxonomic issues find more of this taxon tend to be stated. The second, Manaxius aurantiaca n. sp., is explained based on a single female specimen from the Kaikata Seamount (at a depth of 299-335 m). This has rounded pleura of the pleomeres 2-5, and is significant into the lack of spines on the top margin associated with cheliped palms. In this respect, this new types closely resembles M. iro Poore, 2020. Differentiating figures between M. aurantiaca n. sp. and M. iro are discussed.The types of the antlion genus Distoleon Banks, 1910 (Myrmeleontidae, Myrmeleontinae, Nemoleontini) from Pakistan tend to be revised. Three species, Distoleon sambalpurensis Ghosh, 1984, Distoleon tappa (Walker, 1853), and Distoleon verendus (Walker, 1853), all known from northern Pakistan, tend to be re-described. Myrmeleon vesanus Walker, 1853 syn. nov. is assigned as a junior synonym of Distoleon verendus (Walker, 1853). The feminine of Distoleon tappa is described for the first time. Discussions in regards to the geographical distribution of all these species are given in detail. A key to known species of Distoleon from Pakistan is provided.Paratropis elicioi was described in 2015 from specimens gathered in Ecuador. Both sexes were described, systematic pictures of all of the appropriate morphological figures were provided. Perafán et al. (2019) stated to redescribe Paratropis elicioi from specimens gathered in Colombia, without examining the holotype or paratype. Research that the information published by Perafán et al. 2019 is certainly not Paratropis elicioi is provided. Two brand-new sympatric types tend to be explained P. otonga sp. n. and P. pristirana sp. n.The presence of the identical general construction and vestiture, a broad similarity in color with simply several small distinctions, a diverse array of intraspecific difference with several intermediate shade varieties kinds, additionally the comparable construction for the male genitalia in three Neotropical types of Brontostoma Kirkaldy, 1904 (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae Ectrichodiinae) resulted in the theory that all them represent just one species, resulting in listed here recently proposed subjective synonymies B. basalis (Stål, 1859) = B. sanguinosum (Stål, 1872), syn. nov. = B. pallitarsis (Walker, 1873), syn. nov. The male genitalia of another moderate species, B. infensum Wygodzinsky, 1951, revealed a collection of differences that are evaluated to adequately offer the recognition from it as an independent species. Intraspecific morphological and color variants of B. basalis are documented and talked about, and also this species is recorded from French Guiana for the first time.Sivayyapram et al. (2020) omitted to note the total type deposition of Phlogiellus daweiensis and Phlogiellus raveni; that is corrected herein.A new species of marine free living nematode Spinonema gracilispiculum sp. letter. is described from the air minimum zone of this eastern Arabian Sea (216m) margin. This brand new nematode types was found exclusively within the station with sandy texture and dissolved oxygen amount 0.35 ml/l and so are represented by just few folks from just one place, despite analysing 288 core examples from an extensive survey over the east Arabian Sea OMZ region covering from 06°57’19″N to 21°30’639″N. Spinonema gracilispiculum sp. letter. differs from other known species of the genus within the body length, place of this dorsal spine, contour and course of lateral alae, decoration of spicules, wide range of pre cloacal setae and sexual dimorphism in presence of dorsal back and amphideal fovea shape. This is the first record of the genus Spinonema through the Indian Ocean. A pictorial and dichotomous secrets to the species of Spinonema may also be supplied, supplemented with comparative morphometric details of all legitimate types centered on published information.The systematics of the genus Hannia Vari 1978, endemic to freshwater habitats of remote north-western Australian Continent, is modified in light of current selections embryonic stem cell conditioned medium in the region and a molecular study of the team that identified an undescribed candidate types. A new freshwater fish species (Hannia wintoni sp. nov) is explained predicated on evaluation of numerous atomic genetic markers (53 allozyme loci), mitochondrial DNA sequence data (601 bp cytochrome b) and morphology (examination of a suite of 66 morphometric and meristic figures). Head profile, postorbital size, maximum length, preopercular spines and pectoral-fin rays tend to be figures that best distinguish H. wintoni sp. nov from its just congener, H. greewayi. Even though the existing description of H. greenwayi is robust and precise, we present a number of extra characters that enhance to the initial description, based on kind and fresh product. Informative data on the recognized distribution, habitats and preservation status regarding the two types is summarised. The latest species is a narrow-range endemic.Species diversity and interrelationships of tapeworms for the genus Kapsulotaenia Freze, 1963 (Proteocephalidae Acanthotaeniinae), parasites of lizards, specifically screens (Varanus spp.) in the Australasian region, were re-assessed utilizing an interdisciplinary strategy.

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