With the advance of integrated circuit technology, the number of transistors and the frequency of processors have been improved significantly. However, improving the frequency is no longer possible due to high power consumption and heat dissipation, which should be reduced for resource-constrained, mobile/ubiquitous environments. List 1|]# To handle this issue, many hardware/software level studies have been reported [5�C11].Commercial multi-core processors have different characteristics according to the hardware architecture design. In Intel’s multi-core architecture [17], the L2 cache is shared by two cores. In AMD’s multi-core architecture [18], the L2 cache is allocated per core. According to service requirements, various hardware components (i.e.
, memory, hard disk, IO devices, etc.) can be configured.
Since the characteristics of the power consumption and execution time of the commercial multi-core processor depend on the design of the hardware architecture, it is difficult to generalize the power consumption and execution time characteristics. Therefore, to analyze the machine’s characteristics, the power consumption and execution time need to be measured at least once.2.2. Application’s ParallelismThe execution time of an application on a multi-core processor depends on the application’s parallelism. Amdahl’s law provides a simple model to predict the speedup of parallel processing given the sequential portion of a program and the number of processors used.
Despite providing insight and usefulness, Amdahl’s law considers neither the processor speed (i.e.
, frequency) nor the power consumption. All the AV-951 processor speeds are implicitly assumed to have the same (maximum) value. As the energy and the power are some of the most critical shared resources in a multicore-based parallel processor, it is not only interesting, but also necessary to collectively consider the implicati
The changes in economic structures and social living structures have increased life style diversity. New information and communication technologies (ICT) accelerate such changes in this process. Living is not restricted any more to only home environments.
People travel daily to and from work, spend their time at various points of interest (POI) such as shopping malls GSK-3 and attractions, and acquire goods and services in extensive environments. Therefore, the city ecosystem, including metropolitan office buildings, urban environments, shopping malls, museums and hospitals is now playing important roles in the modern information society. In addition to on-road navigation, that is widely used, an effective parking service is important to improve the experience and efficiency of daily mobility.