Data collection Demographic data Upon entry into the study, volun

Data collection Demographic data Upon entry into the study, volunteers are asked to complete a demographic

questionnaire that asks about their age, ethnic and racial category, gender, exact height, weight, and identification of any chronic medical conditions, if any. They are then weighed and their height measured using standardized scales. These measurements are used to calculate their body mass index (BMI). Sonographic data Six pre-determined views of e-FAST images of different regions of the body (Left and Right chest, hepatorenal, splenorenal, suprapubic, cardiac—parasternal long Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical axis or subxiphoid) are obtained in the ambulance, and transmitted via the telesonography system to the hospital for storage in the hospital servers. The same views are obtained in the Emergency Department by the UTP upon arrival of the ambulance at the hospital. The images are also stored on the servers. Usability Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical data The data on usability of the TS and its images (both those obtained on the moving Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical ambulance and in the ED) are collected via completion of the QUIS by 20 UTP evaluators, who are blinded to the study. For this purpose, the sets of images obtained (pre-hospital and in the emergency department) are reviewed for quality along the following dimensions: a) Total image quality, defined as an overall assessment encompassing contrast of

solid and fluid-filled structures, and absence of noise; b) Image resolution, defined as Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the sharpness and crispness of the image and a lack

of haziness/blurriness; and c) Image detail, defined as the clarity of organ outlines and ease with which boundaries of structures are seen and how well they are defined [27-29]. The blinded UTP evaluators rank their impression of the images along the dimensions listed above Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical using a 9-point Likert scale with 1 being the worst and 9, the best image resolution. In addition to QUIS, the evaluators are also asked to complete the following tasks: 1) compare the images on the ambulances with that taken in the ED, and then rate them as equal, inferior or superior; 2) identify out any pathology in the images as well as list the major visible structures; and 3) rate whether the image being viewed is either suboptimal for review or contains image artifacts other than expected from ultrasound. Evaluators then enter their responses on the QUIS data form, from where the data are entered into a computerized database. Data analysis management The ratings in each condition will be described using means and standard deviations computed across the 20 UTP evaluators. Additionally correlations among the 3 image ratings in the separate conditions across the 20 raters will be reported. We do not anticipate that there will be much, if any, AC220 in vitro missing data so the primary analysis will be repeated measures MANOVA.

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