One woman left the experiment after reporting insomnia associated with her consumption of FRG (Fig. 1). Blood samples were measured at the Green Cross Reference Laboratory (Gyeonggi-do, Korea). The methods of sample analysis ON-01910 concentration are listed in Appendix I. Blood samples from 20 women/group were further collected and matched according to age, height, weight, and body mass index. The arithmetic means of the variables from both groups were analyzed by SPSS version 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The outliers of insulin and E2 were excluded and considered as missing values. Unmeasured variables were considered as random missing values and 10 datasets were
generated by a multiple imputation method [28]. Path analysis has several advantages in that several variables and multiple groups can be analyzed simultaneously; moreover, the effects of decomposition and model fitness can be assessed. We used path analysis as well as traditional statistics including mean comparisons in this study. The path model was AG 14699 analyzed with Mplus 6.11 (Muthén & Muthén, Los Angeles, CA, USA). The data in this report are part of an FRG study that was conducted in Seoul, Korea in 2010. Only the data relevant to this analysis are presented in this report. There were no significant differences in age, weight, height, and body mass index between the FRG group and the placebo group (Table 1). Hormones showed circadian variation and seasonal
variation. Despite the fact that a double-blind random sampling method was utilized in this study, there was sampling error. Therefore, the analyses of the hormones and other variables required crosstalk validation and a comprehensive assessment. We analyzed the mean comparisons of samples between the FRG group and the placebo group with three statistical methods: an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in the second samples (ANCOVA comparison), independent t tests of the second samples (second sample t test), and independent t tests of the
differences between the second and first samples (difference tuclazepam t test; Table 2). In the ANCOVA comparison, the mean values of ACTH, cortisol, T3, and FFA did not show a significant difference between the two groups, whereas the level of insulin was lower in the FRG group than it was in the placebo group (p = 0.04). In the difference t test, the level of insulin was found to be lower in the FRG group than in the placebo group (p = 0.01). In the ANCOVA comparison, the level of dehydroepiandrosterone was higher in the FRG group than it was in the placebo group (p = 0.05), and the same result was shown in the difference t test (p = 0.03). In the ANCOVA comparison, the levels of E2 (p = 0.06) and GH (p = 0.06) were higher in the FRG group than in the placebo group, but the differences were not statistically significant ( Table 2). The baseline model was established based on reports in the literature.