Importantly, these in silico investigations could be used to desi

Importantly, these in silico investigations could be used to design experiments distinguishing between the two explanations above. In summary, the virtual NOD mouse was built to reproduce untreated

pathogenesis and responses to interventions (internal validation). The virtual NOD mouse also predicted most responses accurately to interventions not used in model construction (external validation). In the few instances where the virtual NOD mouse did not match the reported therapeutic response, a closer examination highlighted potential conflicts within the published data, in some cases providing a basis for clarifying laboratory experiments. The model as described GSK-3 phosphorylation is ready for in silico research. It can be updated to accommodate new data or to address additional biology not currently within the model scope. Model updates may include new validation tests to ensure selleck compound that the modifications are consistent with the reported biology. The Type 1 Diabetes PhysioLab platform is a physiologically based mathematical model of type 1 diabetes pathogenesis in a NOD mouse, designed to facilitate type 1 diabetes research and accelerate development of human therapies. The model has a graphical user interface and incorporates much of the known biology in the PLN and islets, which sets the stage for its use as an educational and research tool to illustrate complex biological relationships at

these important sites. Because data are used to define qualitatively or quantitatively the biological relationships that are embedded in the model, the model can also be used as a data archive or continuing repository.

Beyond these applications, the model simulates the represented biology, providing a mathematically integrated description which is consistent with published experimental data. Generating this description was an intensive and iterative process, which refined our understanding and interpretation of the published literature. GNA12 For example, the initial modelling exercise did not include the representation of a distinct tolerogenic DC phenotype. With the initial representation, late and transient LipCl2MDP-mediated depletion of macrophages and DCs reduced the cellular infiltrate and delayed disease onset but did not provide sustained protection despite the presence of Treg cells. Briefly, when LipCl2MDP was cleared from the system, phagocyte populations recovered and re-established a diabetogenic environment and a corresponding destructive cellular infiltrate. With no data to suggest a direct effect of LipCl2MDP on Treg cell populations, the next plausible scenario was an effect mediated through phagocytes. The representation of tolerogenic DCs was based largely on data from outside the NOD mouse literature (e.g. [99–101]), and included regulation by cytokines and cell contact.

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