Recent discoveries of two m(6)A demethylases and cell-type and ce

Recent discoveries of two m(6)A demethylases and cell-type and cell-state-dependent m(6)A patterns indicate that m(6)A modifications are highly dynamic and likely play important biological roles for RNA akin to DNA methylation or histone modification. Proposed functions for m(6)A modification include mRNA splicing, export, stability, and immune tolerance;

but m(6)A studies have been hindered by the lack of methods for its identification at single nucleotide resolution. Here, we develop a method that accurately determines m(6)A status at any site in mRNA/lncRNA, termed site-specific cleavage and radioactive-labeling followed by ligation-assisted extraction and thin-layer chromatography (SCARLET). The method determines the precise location of the m(6)A residue and its modification fraction, which AZD9291 mouse are crucial parameters in probing the cellular dynamics of m(6)A modification. We applied the method to determine the m(6)A status at several sites in two human lncRNAs and three human mRNAs and found that m(6)A fraction varies between 6% and 80% among these sites. We also found that many m(6)A candidate sites in these RNAs are however not modified. The precise determination of m(6)A status in a long noncoding RNA also enables the identification of an m(6)A-containing RNA structural motif.”
“Estimating the reactivity

of 2′-hydroxyl groups along an RNA chain of interest aids in the modeling of the folded RNA structure; flexible loops tend to be reactive, whereas duplex regions are generally not. Among the most useful reagents for probing 2′-hydroxyl reactivity is 1-methyl-7-nitroisatoic anhydride (1m7), but the absence of a reliable, inexpensive source has prevented widespread

adoption. An existing protocol for the conversion of an inexpensive precursor 4-nitroisatoic anhydride (4NIA) recommends the use of NaH in dimethylformamide (DMF), a no reagent combination that most molecular biology labs are not equipped to handle, and that does not scale safely in any case. Here we describe a safer, one-pot method for bulk conversion of 4NIA to 1m7 that reduces costs and bypasses the use of NaH. We show that 1m7 produced by this method is free of side products and can be used to probe RNA structure in vitro.”
“Several methods for the detection of RNA have been developed over time. For small RNA detection, a stem-loop reverse primer-based protocol relying on TaqMan RT-PCR has been described. This protocol requires an individual specific TaqMan probe for each target RNA and, hence, is highly cost-intensive for experiments with small sample sizes or large numbers of different samples. We describe a universal TaqMan-based probe protocol which can be used to detect any target sequence and demonstrate its applicability for the detection of endogenous as well as artificial eukaryotic and bacterial small RNAs.

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