, 2001). It is possible
that healthy individuals experiencing schizotypy traits may also demonstrate dysfunctional emotional processing, comparable to those observed in schizophrenia Forskolin (Edwards, Jackson, & Pattison, 2002). This is yet to be confirmed as, of those studies employing emotional recognition tasks (e.g., Aguirre et al., 2008 and Toomey et al., 1995), the hemispheres’ contribution to the processing of emotional prosody has not been examined in schizotypy. In light of this research, it is evident that the current understanding of hemispheric responses to language and emotional prosody at the sub-clinical level of the schizotypal personality spectrum are inconclusive. Specifically, it remains unclear whether healthy individuals who may experience signs and symptoms present in schizotypal personality but do not qualify
for clinical diagnosis, display the laterality patterns characteristic of healthy individuals, or resemble the atypical laterality observed within schizophrenia. The current understanding of the left hemisphere’s role in language processing is ambiguous and findings indicate that symptomatology as well as symptom severity may influence laterality patterns (Bleich-Cohen et al., 2009 and Sommer et al., 2001). Moreover, the right hemisphere’s role in emotional prosody processing within a non-clinical sample is still unknown. Nevertheless, findings of emotion recognition deficits in this Capmatinib ic50 population (e.g., Phillips & Seidman, 2008), suggest that impaired emotion perception, akin to language deficits, appears to be related to unusual lateralisation. Considering the prominent contributions of each of the hemispheres to speech comprehension and in view of current findings in this area in the schizotypal personality spectrum, the need for further investigation at a sub-clinical level is warranted. In order to re-examine language lateralisation at the sub-clinical level, while simultaneously investigating
the lateralisation of emotional prosody processing, the current study employed the dichotic listening paradigm developed by Bryden and MacRae Urease (1988). It was hypothesised that individuals who score low in schizotypal personality traits would demonstrate the expected REA for the perception of words and left ear advantage (LEA) for the perception of emotional voice tones. In view of the nature of schizotypal personality, combined with previous reports of atypical linguistic processing and emotional recognition deficits; the present study aimed to determine whether the laterality patterns of high schizotypy participants reflect those characteristic of a healthy population, or those frequently reported within the clinical sphere. A total of 132 healthy adults (47 males and 85 females; mean age = 32.44 years, SD = 12.