“A large number of factors can influence the clinical outc

“A large number of factors can influence the clinical outcome of kidney transplant recipients, but the active role of the patient to prevent the possible complications related to transplant and its treatment is often neglected. Poor adherence to prescriptions is frequent in transplant recipients and represents a major contributor to the development of graft failure, cardiovascular disease, infection and/or malignancy. Smoking can render the patient

more susceptible to cancer, cardiovascular disease and infection, and can also impair renal allograft function. The risk of malignancy is increased in transplant recipients. Therefore screening for cancer is of paramount importance. Measures that can enable prevention or early detection of cancer include self-exams Target Selective Inhibitor Library and screening, physical activity, avoidance of smoking TH-302 clinical trial and sun exposure, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables but limited in fats, red meats, salt and alcohol. Regular exercise can help to prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and even some forms of cancer. Thus regular exercise is recommended. Yet, too many transplant patients remain sedentary. Weight gain is common in renal allograft recipients and may be associated with hypertension, hyperlipidemia and/or glucose intolerance or overt diabetes. To prevent these complications, patients should follow diet regimens based on low selleck chemicals llc fat and

normal/low caloric intake. Small amounts of alcohol may be permitted in view of its potential cardioprotective effect, but a large consumption of alcohol can be responsible for devastating side effects. Last but not least, abidance by hygienic measures may help in preventing cardiovascular and infectious complications.”
“This review covers the issue of kidney retransplantation. Patients waiting for a second transplant are increasing in number, and it is more and more difficult to find a suitable kidney. The main reasons are both clinical and immunological. Immunological problems are the most difficult to overcome. New techniques

allow the identification of anti-HLA antibodies previously not easy to find. As a consequence, patients waiting for a new transplant are often hyperimmunized, and the cross-match is often positive. The authors discuss several immunosuppressive approaches for such patients and new allocation criteria to allow an easier retransplant. New allocation programs such as acceptable mismatch programs and paired kidney exchange programs are being implemented, and new drugs are now emerging allowing new desensitization criteria. Some of them are not yet on the market, but preliminary clinical studies show such drugs to be promising in a short time.”
“Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) blockade is currently the best-documented treatment strategy to delay the progression of chronic proteinuric nephropathies.

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