Basidiome not red, lacking red incrusting pigment 3 3 No pa

Basidiome not red, lacking red incrusting pigment……3 3. No part of basidiome darkening in 5% KOH ……………………………………………………………genus

Artolenzites 3. Entire basidiome or at least upper selleck chemical surface darkening to black or dark brown with 5% KOH ……………………………….4 4. Entire basidiome initially orange-brown becoming black with 5% KOH. Upper surface glossy, hymenophore strictly pored……………………..……….Trametes cingulata 4. Only upper surface or context becoming deep brown with 5% KOH. Superficial layer of pileipellis with numerous skeletal Epacadostat hyphae filled with brown resinous contents…………………………………………………………………5 5. Upper surface glossy. Hymenial surface strictly pored, context staining brown with 5% KOH………Trametes ljubarskyi 5. Upper surface dull. Hymenial surface pored to lamellate, upper surface staining brown with 5% KOH…………………6 6. Temperate to Mediterranean species. Hymenophore strictly lamellate. Basidiome never pseudostipitate, lacking narrow, coloured, concentric zones on the abhymenial surface……………………………………………….Lenzites warnieri 6. Tropical species. Hymenophore pored or daedalean to lamellate. Basidiome sometimes pseudostipitate, with mostly numerous and narrow grayish or brownish, concentric zones on abhymenial

surface………………………….genus MAPK inhibitor Leiotrametes Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the European Union through the EMbaRC project (FP7 Programme, 2008–2012, Research Infrastructures action) under grant agreement Number FP7-228310, for funding this work and giving access to some culture strains from KNAW-CBS collection (Joast Stalpers & Gerard Verkley). We must express our sincere thanks to the following persons and institutions, for their various roles in the preparation of our paper: Our material was collected during field trips organized either in French Guiana (under the project E-Tricel: PNRB. ANR.07-BIOE-006,

with special MycoClean Mycoplasma Removal Kit thanks to Hermann Charlotte, mayor of Saül and president of the Amazonian French National Park, for his help during our stay in this locality) or in the French West Indies (under the program “Lesser Antilles Fungi; diversity, ecology and conservation” conducted by one of us -RC) and granted by DIREN of Guadeloupe (Regional Environment Administration – Luc Legendre) and of Martinique (Vincent Arenales del Campo) as well as by ONF Martinique (National Forestry Office, regional direction – Philippe Richard and Jean-Baptiste Schneider) through the research contracts and conventions signed with the SMF (Société mycologique de France), which must also be thanked for its valuable role in facilitating French research in Tropical mycology. The Parc national de Guadeloupe administration is thanked for yearly collecting authorizations.

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