Cylindrospermum licheniforme (Bory) Kütz. ex Bornet et Flahault (Fig. 4, aj-at) Thallus compact leathery with star-like spreading bundles of filaments, blue-green in young cultures, becoming olive-green to brown-green or yellowish at the margins with age. Brown pigments released into the substrate. Filaments motile. Trichomes short or long, dispersed in a wide mucilage or tube-like sheaths including
several filaments, flexuous, strongly constricted at the cross walls, isopolar or heteropolar, 3.6–4.8 μm wide. Vegetative cells mostly cylindrical, typically shorter than wide, up to isodiametric, pale blue-green, Panobinostat 3.1–5.1 μm long. Heterocytes forming terminally after trichome fragmentation,
solitary, unipored, oval to elongated to bluntly conical, 5.4–9 μm long, 4.0–5.2 μm wide. Akinetes forming paraheterocytically, solitary, broadly oval to elongated, with smooth, colorless to dark brown exospores, sometimes with dark yellow to brown rough surface (precipitates?) and blue-green granulated content, 13–23 μm long, 7.0–12.4 μm wide. Rows of enlarged cells (proakinetes?) observed in paraheterocytic position. Reference strain CCALA 995. Herbarium voucher BRY37716, sequence KF052610. Isolated from prairie remnant soil in Pyramid State Recreational Area, Illinois, AZD3965 mw USA. Cylindrospermum maius Kütz. ex Bornet et Flahault (Fig. 6, i–s) Thallus leather-like, dark green, olive-green to dark brown-green, releasing brown pigments into the substrate. Trichomes immotile or slightly motile. constricted at cross walls, 3.9–5.0 μm wide. Cells cylindrical, isodiametric, shorter than wide or longer than wide, with homogenous, nongranular blue-green cytoplasm, 3.7–6.5 μm
long. End cells cylindrical, rounded. Heterocytes unipolar, terminal, spherical to elongated, smooth, tan, or yellow-green, 4.0–10.0 μm long, 4.5–6.0 μm wide. Akinetes single, adjacent to heterocyte, with smooth find more surface, coarsely granulated content, cylindrical, oval to ellipsoid, (18)21–36 μm long, 10–15(16) μm wide. Exospore initially unstructured colorless, later turning brown and layered, 1–1.5 μm wide. Reference strain CCALA 998. Herbarium voucher BRY37719, sequence KF052614. Isolated from recultivated (top) soil after coal mining, with loblolly pine, Pyramid State Recreation Area, Illinois, USA. Cylindrospermum marchicum (Lemm.) Lemm. (Fig. 6, a–h) Thallus soft, with rough surface, air bubbles forming along the colony edge, green, dark-green to blackish-green, with nacreous, shiny surface. Trichomes heteropolar, long, constricted at the cross walls, (2)2.5–3(4) μm wide. Vegetative cells isodiametric to longer than wide, bright blue-green or green, 3–5.5(9) μm long. Heterocytes apical, mostly cylindrical, rarely spherical or slightly conical, 3.5–6 μm wide, 4–8(10) μm long.