g., by the presentation AC220 mw of a target at the same location where the cue was presented. In these paradigms, the critical factor is the cue-to-target interstimulus (ISI) interval as e.g., a study by Hopfinger and Mangun (1998) revealed. At short ISIs (between about 50–250 ms) a target presented at the same location as the cue elicits a larger P1 than a target presented at the uncued location. At long ISIs (between about 550–750 ms), however, the opposite finding is observed: The P1 is smaller at the cued location. Reflexive non-spatial attention can be studied
by using targets with pop-out stimulus properties (e.g., color targets). Research reviewed by Taylor (2002) shows that pop-out targets generally elicit a larger P1 than non-pop out targets. In a similar way, Busch, Herrmann and colleagues have shown that stimulus size and eccentricity elicit a larger P1 (cf. Section 2.5). Hemifield preferences for object features may also be considered a special type of reflexive attention (cf. Section 2.3.1). The recognition of an object Verteporfin datasheet is a fast process. It can be accomplished within a few hundred milliseconds. As an example, complex pictures (such as e.g., natural scenes) can be categorized with a median reaction time (RT) of about 380 ms (e.g., VanRullen and Thorpe, 2001a). As RT is a measure that comprises
also the motor response, one interesting question is, when an object can be identified. This question can be investigated by determining the time, when Linifanib (ABT-869) the ERP waveforms for targets and non targets start to differ. Research by Thorpe et al. (1996) and VanRullen and Thorpe (2001b) have shown that differences between targets and non targets can be found reliably at around 150 ms. Other studies, however, found very early
differences starting already about 50–80 ms (cf. the review in Rousselet et al., 2007). At least two factors are of importance here, object category and type of comparison. As an example, faces represent a category that may be processed particularly fast (cf. Thorpe et al., 1996). But also the type of comparison plays an important role. If targets and non targets are compared one has to consider the possibility that stimuli of the target and non target category (e.g. human faces vs. animal faces) may differ with respect to ‘low level’ physical properties. One way to tackle only object specific effects is to change the target status of the stimulus category. As an example, in counterbalanced blocks subjects are asked to respond to human faces (and to ignore animal faces) and then to respond to animal faces (and to ignore human faces). The calculation of task related differences between e.g., human faces as targets vs. non targets will now show differences that are object specific. By using such an approach, Rousselet et al.