Methods Subjects Twenty

Methods Subjects Twenty selleck screening library male soldiers from an elite combat unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) volunteered to participate in this double-blind study. Following an explanation of all procedures, risks and benefits, each participant provided his informed consent

to participate in the study. The Helsinki Committee of the IDF Medical Corp approved this research study. Subjects were not permitted to use any additional dietary supplementation and did not consume any androgens or any other performance enhancing drugs. Screening for performance enhancing drug use and additional supplementation was accomplished via a health questionnaire completed during participant recruitment. Participants were from the same unit, but were from three different squads. Volunteers from each squad were randomly assigned to one of two groups. The randomization procedure involved that each volunteer from the same squad to be alternatively assigned to each group. Two participants dropped from the study, one participant fractured his leg during training, while the other participant no longer wished to participate. Each participant KPT 330 was from a separate group. Thus, a total of 18 participants were used in the final analysis. Using the procedures described by Gravettier and Wallnau [22]

for estimating samples sizes for repeated measures designs, a minimum sample size of n = 8 was required for each group to reach a statistical power (1-β) of 0.80 based on the jump power changes reported by Hoffman et al. [4] The first group; (BA; age 20.1 ± 0.7 years; height: 1.79 ± 0.07 m; body mass: 78.3 ± 9.7 kg) consumed 6.0 g of β-alanine per day, while the second group (PL; age 20.2 ± 1.1 years; height: 1.80 ± 0.05; body mass: 79.6 ± 7.8 kg) consumed 6 g of placebo (rice flour). During the 4-week study period all participants from all squads participated in the same advanced military training tasks that included combat skill development, physical work under Bacterial neuraminidase pressure, navigational training, self-defense/hand-to-hand combat and conditioning.

Testing protocol This randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled investigation was RAD001 order conducted at the unit’s training facilities, under the unit’s regular training protocols and safety regulations. Data collection occurred before (Pre) and after (Post) 28 days of supplementation. To create an acute fatigued state, each session required all participants to perform a 4 km run dressed in shorts, T-shirt and running shoes. Immediately following the 4 km run participants performed five countermovement jumps (CMJ). Participants then proceeded to put on their operational gear and weapon (12 kg) and ran a 120 m sprint. Following the sprint, participants proceeded as quickly as possible onto the shooting range and performed a 10-shot shooting protocol with their assault rifle.

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