Multiple mechanisms

Multiple mechanisms selleck catalog of resistance and escape have been pro posed. It is possible, for example, that NRAS escapes the dependence on farnesylation and alternatively undergoes prenylation by geranylgeranyltransferase 1. Fur thermore, a better understanding of the clinically rele vant FTI substrates is clearly needed, enabling better patient selection. Multiple proteins undergo prenylation, and it is likely that many are yet to be identified. RAS family proteins represent only a subset of molecules that undergo post translational modification through farnesy lation, and several alternative targets have been proposed that may be the most relevant for inhibition of tumor cell growth. Interestingly, using normal murine and human T cells as a model system, we have observed that FTIs inhibited TCR dependent cytokine production under conditions in which RAS pathway signaling was unaffected.

Rather, in that system, inhibition of cytokine production appeared to occur at the post transcriptional level and was associated with inhibition of p70S6 Kinase activation. Rheb is a candidate farnesylated protein that activates the p70S6 Kinase pathway. In vitro data suggest that the FTI lonafarnib may enhance the effects of the RAF inhibitor sorafenib via inhibition of mTOR signaling by blocking Rheb farnesylation. Subsequent studies have shown that inhibition of mTOR signaling with lonafarnib augments sorafenib induced apoptosis in melanoma cell lines. Interestingly, this effect seemed to be independent of BRAF or NRAS mutation status.

Thus, while these agents were initially devel oped as RAS inhibitors, our collective data suggest that the effects of FTIs likely affect multiple signaling pathways. Of note, a randomized phase II trial comparing sorafe nib in combination with either the mTOR inhibitor tem sirolimus or R115777 in an unselected patient population failed to demonstrate meaningful clinical activity. It is now known, however, that sorafenib is inactive in patients with BRAF mutated melanoma, and the role of combin ation therapy with the newer selective BRAF inhibitors in patients whose tumors carry the BRAFV600E mutation is unknown. However, the knowledge that the effect of lona farnib appeared to be independent of mutational status provides theoretical basis for molecularly targeted therapy in patients whose tumors are wild type for BRAF, a group who currently has no such option available. Additionally, recent data suggests that selective Carfilzomib BRAFV600 inhibition does not impair the immune response. Taken to gether, these data suggest that combination therapy of an FTI with a more selective BRAF inhibitor, with or without immunotherapy, may represent third potential treatment strat egies in the future for appropriately selected patients.

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