Of the MVHP group, six were positive for BRAF V600E mutation (four males; average age 70 years; two females, average age 52 years), three were positive for KRAS mutation (two males, average age 72 years; one female, age 56 years), and two samples were wild-type for both the KRAS and BRAF genes (two males, average age 73 years). A nonparametric approach (Mann-Whitney U test) was employed to determine Cyclopamine in vivo if CLDN1 expression was statistically different between the two polyp groups. When based on morphologic classification alone, CLDN1 expression was significantly upregulated in SSA/P (n = 18) when compared to MVHP (n = 11) (P < .0001; Figure 2A). When these
polyps were classified according to BRAF V600E mutation status, CLDN1 find more expression was significantly elevated in BRAF V600E mutant polyps (n = 23) when compared to those with no mutation (n =
6; P < .0005; Figure 2B). Serrated polyps displaying the morphology of traditional MVHP were found to be a heterogeneous group differing in an underlying gene mutation and also in the mRNA expression of CLDN1 ( Figure 2). Hence, for immunohistochemical analysis, samples (n = 222) were divided into four groups: SSA/P (characterized by BRAF V600E mutation, n = 53), MVHP with the BRAF V600E mutation (n = 111), MVHP with mutations in codon 12 or 13 of the KRAS gene (n = 23), and MVHP without mutation in either the BRAF or KRAS gene (n = 35). Specific patient and polyp characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Representative CLDN1 immunostaining in SSA/P that is either BRAF V600E mutant or wild-type is shown in Figure 3. Analysis of these immunohistochemical
data showed that the majority of BRAF V600E mutant SSA/P and MVHP were positive for CLDN1 expression (89% and 81%, respectively). This is in contrast to MVHP with KRAS mutations where only 35% were found to be positive for CLDN1 expression ( Table 2). Furthermore, in those MVHP where no mutation was detected in either the KRAS or BRAF gene, 54% of these were positive for CLDN1 expression. Further analysis (chi-squared test) determined that positive CLDN1 expression was significantly associated with BRAF V600E mutation independently of polyp morphology ( Table 3). Negative controls showed no staining. The Celastrol concept of hyperplastic polyps being associated with CRC was raised three decades ago [21] and despite anecdotal case reports describing CRCs arising in giant hyperplastic polyps or in the background of multiple hyperplastic polyps, the idea has remained unchallenged for many years. Since then, a variant of the hyperplastic polyp, the SSA/P, has been implicated in CRC development and subsequently accepted as a precursor lesion of predominantly right-sided CRC with supportive molecular evidence initially reported by Jass et al. [22].