Physically, the biliary system is close to both the peripheral ne

Physically, the biliary system is close to both the peripheral nerve plexus and the coelial plexus, which proximity may facilitate peripheral nerve invasion by biliary tumors. Some reports consider that the biliary system is rich in autonomic nerves, which may also facilitate perineural invasion[14]. However, neither of these facts completely explains the specific mechanism of tumor cells entering into nerve tissue. Recent investigation has indicated that the check details relationship between PNI occurrence and the distance between tumor and nerve plexus Bleomycin clinical trial was not close. Secondly, the tumor cells invade nerves via the perineural lymphatic vessel. Previous studies considered that tumors

invade nerves along the “”path of least resistance,”" or are transported along blood and lymphatic pathways[15, 16]. However, in rectal cancer, especially distal rectal cancer, although these tumors are close to

the sacral nerve plexus, one study found that the rate of perineural invasion is rather low, only 9.9-34.9% [17]; this investigation also indicated that nervous invasion was not correlated with the location of carcinoma swelling, volume, histology category, at even the status of lymphatic metastasis. Tumors had previously been thought to invade nerve through the lymphatic pathway in the nerve or perineurium. However, an investigation found that about 34% of pancreatic carcinoma patients with NI were without lymphatic metastasis, while 75% of such Buspirone HCl patients without any NI appeared to have lymphatic Geneticin metastasis. Therefore, it is considered that the possibility of the patients with widespread lymphatic metastasis who emerged peripancreatic nervous invasion was quite high. However, peripancreatic nervous invasion is not completely determined by lymphatic pathway. Another report found no perineural lymphatic vessel,

by either electron microscope or light microscope; however, they found that nerves in the perineurium can be separated from their peripheral connective tissue, generating low-resistance, slit-like interspaces in the nerve periphery, which are easily invaded by tumor cells[18], which suggests that if a tumor came through perineural lymphatic vessel, then the nerve environment could be a focus of jump infection with lymphatic metastasis characteristics. Moreover, the tumor will not offend the nerve for a wrap. If tumor cells invade nerves through the low-resistance perineural layer, then the insufficiency of the leap focus of infection was bound to invade the nerve for a wrap. So the femoral nerve of the rats and Walk2er256 tumor cell were incubated together by Rodin, one week later, the tumor cells completely wrapped the nerve and without any leap focus of infection. Recent progressive investigation also found that the perineurium was available in three different weak positions. Such as entrance and exit of blood vessel, invasion court of reticular fiber.

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