Prophylactic antibiotic therapy with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid was administered for five days after transplantation and a routine kinase inhibitor Brefeldin A check for infections was performed as per protocol. Immunosuppressive therapy used rabbit anti-human thymocyte globulin (thymoglobulins) and steroids for induction, mycophenolate mofetil and cyclosporine for maintenance. Delayed graft function was defined as the need for dialysis during the first week after transplantation with subsequent recovery of renal function. Data were expressed as mean �� standard deviation or as median (range).ResultsCohort descriptionFrom 1 February 2007 to 30 June 2008, 122 refractory cardiac arrests were screened in our institution. The demographic data of these potential donors showed mostly men (80%), with a mean age of 41.6 �� 11.
6 years. Cardiac arrest occurred either at home (52%), outdoors (30%) or at work (16%). Among these, 59 (48.4%) did not meet inclusion criteria as shown in Figure Figure2.2. The main organisational problems were an overbooked intensive care unit (ICU) or surgeon unavailability (n = 8). Finally, 63 eligible NHBD (52%) were accepted for organ retrieval. Their main demographic and clinical characteristics are summarised in Table Table11.Figure 2Study profile of non heart beating donors. DBC = double balloon catheter; NHBD = non heart beating donor.Table 1Demographic, clinical and resuscitation characteristics of non heart beating donors admitted to the authors’ institution (n = 63)NHBD procedureThirty seven (59%) cardiac arrests occurred during the day time (8 am to 8 pm) and 26 during night duty (41%).
Pre-hospital resuscitation is described in Table Table1.1. External cardiac massage was performed within 5 (0 to 30) minutes, while automated external defibrillator was activated in 37% of the cases. Once the advanced cardiac life support team was on site, 17 (27%) patients presented with ventricular fibrillation. Five patients recovered a transient spontaneous cardiac activity for a mean duration of 11 �� 7 minutes. The mean interval to arrival at our institution after acceptance of NHBD was 53 �� 23 minutes. Among these 63 NHBD, aortic DBC was inserted in 56 NHBD (Figure (Figure2).2). However, on retrospective analysis, time limit for DBC insertion exceeded the protocol requirement in 12 donors (21%) for a mean interval of 12 �� 11 minutes.
Among these latter donors, 12 kidneys were retrieved and 6 were finally transplanted. Between aortic catheter insertion and kidney retrieval, 175 minutes (110 Dacomitinib to 225) elapsed (Table (Table1).1). Thus, the interval exceeded 180 minutes in 6 patients (22%) for a mean period of 23 �� 19 minutes. Among those 12 kidneys, 5 were not transplanted due to positive HIV serology or high intra-renal ex vivo resistance.Cause of cardiac arrestThe probable or confirmed aetiologies of cardiac arrest are listed in Table Table2.2.