The project will consist of: 1) qualitative baseline interviews, 2) a facilitated roundtable discussion among key informants, and 3) a Delphi consensus survey. The results of each phase will inform subsequent phases. Stakeholders The study team will develop a list of stakeholder categories of potential participants who may be able to provide important input to the study (Table (Table1).1). Purposeful Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical sampling will be used to populate each category with approximately five potential participants. Additionally, one representative of each of the following national organizations will be invited: the EMS Chiefs of Canada, the Paramedic Association of Canada, the Canadian Association
of Emergency Physicians (EMS Committee), the Society for Prehospital
Educators of Canada, the Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators, and the International Association of Emergency Managers – Canada. Representation will be sought from Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical all provinces, EMS system types (e.g., advanced and basic care, air and land ambulance) and professional types (e.g., paramedics and physicians). The total sample will include approximately 45 participants. Table 1 Participant categories and definitions Potential participants will be emailed an invitation letter and participant response form. Of those participants who return the participant response form, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a sub-sample will be 5-FU concentration contacted by email, specifically recruiting them to participate in the qualitative baseline interviews. All participants will be invited to participate in the roundtable discussion in St. John’s, Newfoundland,
Canada on June 8th, 2011 and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in the Delphi consensus survey, which will be conducted after the results of the roundtable discussion are available. Ethics Research ethics board approval was received for the qualitative interviews from St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto ON Canada (11-011c), and for the roundtable session and consensus survey from the Capital District Health Authority, Halifax NS Canada (CDHA-RS/2011-248). For the telephone qualitative baseline interviews, informed consent will be verbally obtained by the interviewer (KD). For Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the roundtable discussion and consensus survey, participants will complete a through written informed consent procedure prior to the roundtable discussion. Phase 1: QUALITATIVE BASELINE STUDY Objective The purpose of this phase is to gain a baseline understanding of the perspective of key stakeholders with regard to the landscape of EMS research in Canada in order to provide a framework for the roundtable discussion. Areas of interest include: the barriers and opportunities in EMS research; recommendations for enhancing the research enterprise; and topic areas within EMS research believed to be a high priority. Design A qualitative key informant interview study will be conducted, using one-on-one semi-structured telephone interviews with a sub-sample of the invited participants.