They showed a lack of association between NTpBNP levels and prolonged rupture of membranes, the use of inotropes, and early tech support sepsis. They did find however that there was a weak association between gestational age and NTpBNP with the levels being higher in more premature infants (�� = ?0.495, P = .013). Table 3 The use of NTpBNP in PDA diagnosis. NTpBNP rises significantly in the presence of a PDA. All studies used the Roche Elecsys system. ROC: Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve; N no PDA: number without PDA; N PDA: Number with PDA. NTpBNP may have a role in monitoring treatment response. In our population, following successful PDA treatment, NTpBNP levels fell significantly to levels similar to controls (from 6059 to 998pmol/L, P < .001).
In the control group NTpBNP levels decreased significantly from 740pmol/L at 48 hours to 272pmol/L on Day 7. Nuntnarumit et al. showed that infants who do not respond to the initial course of treatment have persistently high NTpBNP levels compared to responders (2337 versus 353pmol/L, P = .007). The ability of NTpBNP to predict the presence of a PDA seems to surpass that of BNP. There is a wide variation in BNP levels associated with a significant PDA ranging from 70�C1110pg/mL despite using the same assay [39�C42]. This may be explained by the shorter half-life and instability of BNP described earlier. In addition, the correlation of NTpBNP with the echocardiographic markers of PDA significance is more consistent. Flynn et al. showed that BNP had a weaker correlation with echocardiographic markers of PDA significance including ductal size (r = 0.
62), increased pulmonary flow (r = 0.63), and increased steal (retrograde diastolic flow) in the descending aorta (DAo) and the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) (r = 0.54 and 0.41). There was a poor correlation between left atrial to aortic ratio (LA : Ao ratio) and BNP levels (r = 0.33) in this study [43]. However, Choi BM et al. revealed a stronger correlation (r = 0.73) [39]. NTpBNP may be an ideal screening tool for a PDA due to relatively close cut-off levels of NTpBNP for diagnosis a PDA across the studies conducted thus far, the strong correlation with echo markers of PDA significance, and the lack of influence of antenatal and postnatal factors on the levels. In addition, the levels fall significantly following successful treatment and persist in nonresponders.
This obviates the need for repeated echocardiograms to assess treatment success. 5. NTpBNP and Outcome The ability of NTpBNP to predict short-term outcomes in preterm infants with a PDA was assessed by El-Khuffash et al. [29]. In the study described in the previous section, the PDA group was subdivided into infants with a poor outcome (grade III/IV IVH, death or Carfilzomib both, n = 20) and infants without complications (n = 25). The poor outcome group had a significantly lower gestation and birth weights.