This population is not representative of the range of patients wh

This population is not representative of the range of patients who are treated with GXR coadministered with a stimulant. Additionally, patients with ADHD have a higher prevalence of comorbid disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and oppositional disorder, compared with control subjects, and subjects with those disorders were excluded [21]. As this was a single-dose study, rather than a multiple-dose

study, the effects seen in the study may not be representative of those seen at steady state. Because of these limitations, the findings of this study may not be readily extrapolated to the therapeutic setting. Moreover, because of the short-term nature of the study, the implications of the results for long-term management of ADHD with a combination of GXR and MPH

are also unknown. This study was not designed to robustly p53 inhibitor assess the cardiovascular effects of either GXR or MPH alone or in combination. In fact, the study excluded subjects with comorbidities that might contribute to Talazoparib cardiac AEs and subjects with medical or psychiatric disorders. Therefore, it is important to be cautious when generalizing from the results of this study. 5 Conclusions In this short-term, open-label study of healthy adults, coadministration of GXR and MPH did not result in significant pharmacokinetic drug–drug interactions. In addition, no unique TEAEs were observed with coadministration of GXR and MPH compared with either treatment alone. Acknowledgments With great sadness, the authors wish to acknowledge the passing of our colleague, Mary Haffey, and recognize her contributions to this article. Funding and Individual Contributions This clinical find more research was funded by the sponsor, Shire Development LLC (Wayne, PA, USA). Under direction from the authors, Jennifer Steeber PhD [an employee of SCI Scientific

Communications & Information (SCI); Parsippany, NJ, USA] provided writing assistance for this publication. Editorial assistance in the form of proofreading, copy editing, and fact checking Y-27632 2HCl was also provided by SCI. Additional editorial support was provided by Wilson Joe, PhD, of MedErgy (Yardley, PA, USA). Jonathan Rubin MD MBA, Carla White BSc CStat, Edward Johnson, Michael Kahn, and Gina D’Angelo PharmD MBA from Shire Development LLC, and Sharon Youcha MD (who was an employee at Shire Development LLC at the time of the study) also reviewed and edited the manuscript for scientific accuracy. Shire Development LLC provided funding to SCI and MedErgy for support in writing and editing this manuscript. Although the sponsor was involved in the design, collection, analysis, interpretation, and fact checking of information, the content of this manuscript, the ultimate interpretation, the accuracy of the study results, and the decision to submit it for publication in Drugs in R&D was made by the authors independently. Conflict of Interest Disclosures Benno Roesch is an employee of Advanced Biomedical Research, Inc. (Hackensack, NJ, USA).

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