Thus, as we displace the air holes near the nanocavity center out

Thus, as we displace the air holes near the nanocavity center outwards or as we increase the slab thickness, the nanocavity mode is confined inside the nanocavity more gently and loosely. In this case, the mode volume of the nanocavity mode expands, and the electric field maximum at the nanocavity center decreases, which results in the decrease of the coupling coefficient Navitoclax cost g between a quantum dot and the nanocavity mode. Since the ratio g/κ between the coupling coefficient and the nanocavity

decay rate characterizes the capability of the PC L3 nanocavity for realizing the strong coupling interaction between a quantum dot and the nanocavity mode, we should pay more attention to enhance the ratio g/κ, instead of only pursuing higher quality factor. Conclusions In summary, we have presented a simple and efficient method based upon the projected local density of states for photons to obtain the mode volume of a nanocavity. The effect of the slab thickness on the quality factor and mode volume of photonic crystal slab

nanocavities has been investigated, which both play pivotal roles in cavity quantum electrodynamics. We find that the mode volume is approximatively proportional to the slab thickness. Furthermore, by tuning the slab thickness, the quality factor can be increased by about 22%, and the ratio g/κ between the coupling coefficient and the nanocavity decay rate can be enhanced by about 13%, as compared

with the previous PC L3 nanocavity that is finely optimized by introducing displacement of the air holes at both edges of the nanocavity. Based on these results, we can conclude that the optimization of the slab thickness can Org 27569 remarkably enhance the capability of the PC slab nanocavity for the realization of the strong coupling interaction between a quantum dot and the nanocavity mode. The slab thickness tuning approach is feasible and significant for the experimental fabrication of the solid-state nanocavities. LY2606368 molecular weight Authors’ information GC, X-LZ, and Y-CY are Ph.D. students in Sun Yat-sen University. J-FL and HJ are Ph.D. degree holders in Sun Yat-sen University. CJ and X-HW are professors of Sun Yat-sen University. Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2010CB923200), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant U0934002), and the Ministry of Education of China (grant V200801). References 1. Yablonovitch E: Inhibited spontaneous emission in solid-state physics and electronics. Phys Rev Lett 1987, 58:2059–2062.CrossRef 2. John S: Strong localization of photons in certain disordered dielectric superlattices. Phys Rev Lett 1987, 58:2486–2489.CrossRef 3. Joannopoulos J, Johnson S, Winn J, Meade R: Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2008. 4.

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