We then consider the M delayed visible layers as features and try to predict the current visible layer by projecting through the hidden layers. In essence, we are considering the model to be a feed-forward network, where the delayed visible layers would form the input layer, the delayed hidden layers http://www.selleckchem.com/products/GDC-0980-RG7422.html would constitute the first hidden layer, the current hidden
layer would be the second hidden layer and the current visible layer would be the output. We can then write the prediction of the network as v^dT(vd0,vd1,…,vdT−1), where the d index runs over the data points. The exact format of this function is described in Algorithm 1. We therefore minimize the reconstruction error given by L(W)=∑d‖vdT−v^T(vd0,vd1,…,vdT−1)‖2,where the sum over d goes over the entire dataset. The pretraining is described fully in Algorithm 1. We train the temporal weights WiWi one delay at a time, minimizing the reconstruction error with respect to that temporal weight stochastically. Then the next delayed temporal weight is trained keeping
all the previous ones constant. The learning rate ηη is set adaptively during training following the advice given in Hinton (2010). Algorithm 1. Pre-training temporal weights through Autoencoding. for each sequence of data frames I(t−T),I(t−(T−1))…,I(t)I(t−T),I(t−(T−1))…,I(t), we take vT=I(t),…,v0=I(t−T)vT=I(t),…,v0=I(t−T) and do ford=1 toMdo fori=1 toddo hT−i=sigm(WvT−i+bh)hT−i=sigm(WvT−i+bh) selleck chemicals llc end for hT=sigm(∑j=1dWjhT−j+bh), v^T=sigm(W⊤hT+bv) ϵ(vT,v^T)=|vT−v^T|2 ΔWd=η∂ϵ/∂WdΔWd=η∂ϵ/∂Wd end for end for Full-size table Table options View in workspace Download as CSV To measure spatial and temporal sparseness we employ the sparseness index introduced
by Willmore and Tolhurst (2001) as equation(2) S=1−(Σ|a|/n)2Σ(a2/n)where a is the neural activation and n is the total number of samples used in the calculation. To quantify sparseness of the hidden unit activation we stimulate the aTRBM model that was previously trained on the Holywood2 dataset (cf. Section 2.2) with a single video sequences of approx. 30 s length at a frame rate of 30 s (total 897 frames) and measure the activation hh of all hidden units during each Megestrol Acetate video frame. Spatial sparseness refers to the distribution of activation values across the neuron population and is identical to the notion of population sparseness ( Willmore et al., 2011). To quantify spatial sparseness we employ S to the activation values hh across all 400 units for each of the time frames separately, resulting in 897 values. We use the notion of temporal sparseness to capture the distribution of activation values across time during a dynamic stimulus scenario ( Haider et al., 2010). High temporal sparseness of a particular unit indicates that this unit shows strong activation only during a small number of stimulus frames. Low temporal sparseness indicates a flat activation curve across time.