18 Multiplex siblings, however, also showed greater volume reductions than did simplex siblings. Moreover, better performance on the logical memory test was significantly correlated with larger hippocampal volume, especially on the left side,

and especially in multiplex siblings. These data are further consistent with the hypothesis that greater degrees of genetic predisposition to schizophrenia are associated with neuropsychological (verbal memory) deficits and neurobiological abnormalities. The nature of schizotaxia Conceptual foundations As noted above, Paul Meehl first, used the term “schizotaxia” to describe the genetic predisposition Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to schizophrenia.3 In his view, schizotaxic individuals would develop either schizotypy or schizophrenia, depending on environmental circumstances. For example, relatively favorable environmental Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical conditions might, interact with the genetic predisposition to produce schizotypy, while relatively adverse environmental conditions would more likely lead to schizophrenia. Meehl later modified his view somewhat to allow for the possibility Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that in some cases, schizotaxia might not progress to either schizotypy or schizophrenia, but. this Alvocidib clinical trial outcome represented the exception rather than the rule.19 Eventually, schizotypy (in the form of SPD) entered the diagnostic nomenclature, but schizotaxia

did not. Instead, it has been used mainly in research to indicate the premorbid, neurolobiological substrate of schizophrenia, but. not used to identify a clinically meaningful syndrome or spectrum disorder. Now, almost four decades later, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical research suggests that schizotaxia is a clinically consequential condition. A large body of evidence, including the examples described in the preceding section, shows abnormalities in affect, cognition, social functioning, and brain function among the nonschizotypal and nonpsychotic relatives of schizophrenic patients.5 These data show that schizotaxia Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is not. merely a theoretical construct;

it. has psychiatric and neurobiological features that justify further research about its nosologic validity. Although our use of the term schizotaxia is consistent with Meehl’s view of it as the underlying defect among people genetically predisposed to schizophrenia, we do not endorse Thiamine-diphosphate kinase several other aspects of his theory. Among these, first, is the nature of the genetic etiology of schizophrenia. For example, having written his theory prior to the availability of molecular genetic data, Meehl favored a single major gene theory of schizophrenia, which has since been falsified by genetic linkage studies. Second, Meehl viewed schizotaxia solely as the genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. We view schizotaxia as the predisposition to schizophrenia too, but conceptualize its etiology to include both genetic and nongenctic biological consequences of early adverse environmental circumstances (eg, pregnancy or delivery complications).

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