81, P < 0.001) but there was no correlation among the CG patients (r = 0.14, P = 0.73).
Conclusions: Patients with severe CAP had high levels of PNE, which was closely
correlated with PVPI. PNE may be involved in the pathogenesis of severe pneumonia.”
“OBJECTIVES: Both renal function and immune system function decline with age. Although controversial, a significant number of studies have shown that the decline in kidney function is associated with the worsening of the immune system. These findings are reinforced by the increased susceptibility to infections and deficient immunization coverage after vaccination both in patients with chronic renal disease Elafibranor and in elderly individuals. Our objective was to evaluate a non-institutionalized elderly population from Sao Paulo City and
correlate the estimated glomerular filtration rate with the percentage of lymphocytes in circulation.
METHODS: A random population of 237 individuals (107 men and 130 women), ranging in age from 60 to 101 years, who were enrolled in the Health, Well-Being and Aging Study was evaluated for renal function (Modification on Diet in Renal Disease formula) and lymphocyte percentage (flow cytometry).
RESULTS: Aging was associated with a decrease in the estimated glomerular filtration rate in both male and female individuals. We did not identify a significant correlation between the estimated glomerular filtration rate and either the percentage of CD4, click here CD8, and B cells or JQ1 datasheet CD4/CD8 ratio. The median percentage of CD8+ T cells was significantly lower in individuals with an estimated glomerular filtration rate >= 60 mL/min/1.73 m(2).
CONCLUSIONS: In this study, no statistical correlation was found between the estimated glomerular filtration rate and either the lymphocyte phenotype (CD4+, CD8+, and
CD19+ cells) or the CD4/CD8 ratio in blood.”
“Essential oil extracted from aerial parts of two Ocimum species (O. canum and O. kilimanascharicum) was investigated using gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques on DB-5 (5% dipheny1-95% dimethylpolysiloxane) and beta-cyclodextrin (6-tertiarybutyldimethylsiliyl-2,3-diethy-beta-cyclodextrin) capillary columns. Essential oil extracted from O. canum contained camphor, limonene, camphene and myrtenol as most abundant constituents among monoterpenoids, whereas beta-selinene, a-selinene, maaliol and beta-caryophyllene were identified under sesquiterpenoids class. On contrary, two folds higher camphor was recorded in O. kilimandscharicum. Maaliol (6.4%) was characterized in O. canum for the first time with the help of extensive 1D and 2D-NMR experiments. Therefore, maaliol can be considered as a marker constituent to differentiate both the camphor rich oils. Further, when the oils were subjected to chiral analysis on beta-cyclodextrin column; a high enantiomeric excess for (1R)-(+)-camphor was recorded.