Data Collection and Processing Data was recorded prospectively as part of the new structured SGC-CBP30 cell line sedation protocol on standardised datasheets which were then entered into a relational database. The duration of the ABD was taken from the
security log. All outcomes were defined prior to the introduction of the sedation protocol. Identical data items were extracted retrospectively from the medical records of patients in the historical control group. The extraction process was undertaken by one investigator (LAC) but was reviewed by a second investigator (GKI) for the first ten patients. There were Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical no differences in the recording of the outcomes between the two investigators. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The following data were included for the study analysis: patient demographic characteristics (age, sex), cause of ABD, duration of the ABD episode, any use of additional sedation in the patient including the time of administration, drug related adverse effects and injuries to patients and staff. Methods of Measurement Information
was recorded by an investigator or research nurse for a six hour period after initial sedation. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical For historical controls the medical record was used to obtain information from the standard ED observation chart. For all patients including historical controls, the duration of the ABD was extracted from the security log based on the time from the initial Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical call time to security to the “all clear” time when they are released from attendance. The security staff defined an “all clear” when the patient is safely secured by all four limbs, a mask is in situ if the patient is spitting, the patient is sedated or settling and the verbal abuse is abating or ceased. This is determined in consultation with the clinical staff present at the time. The security staff and ED clinical staff were not aware that the duration of ABD was the primary outcome for the study. During the new sedation protocol,
additional medications used and adverse events were recorded prospectively Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and checked with the patient’s medication chart and medical record. For historical controls this information was extracted from the medication chart and medical record. The data for the historical controls and patients in the intervention period were the same because it is mandatory routine patient documentation. Main Interventions The intervention was the no introduction of a structured IM sedation protocol for ABD patients in the ED that involved initial sedation via the IM route with pre-determined medications [droperidol (10 mg), midazolam (10 mg) or a combination of droperidol (5 mg) and midazolam (5 mg)]. Prior to the study the use of sedation, including the drug type used and the route of administration was dictated by either the treating ED doctor or the consultant emergency physician or clinical toxicologist responsible for the patient.