However, RRAM suffers to replace mainstream conventional FLASH me

However, RRAM suffers to replace mainstream conventional FLASH memory even though it exhibits good scalability and high speed operation (few ns). Many challenges need to be overcome. One of the challenges of RRAM is to improve the integration density which can also compete with conventional FLASH in market. In recent days, the flash technology approaches its scaling limit in sub-20-nm regime and as an alternative, three-dimensional (3D) stackable NAND flash is feasible by using through-silicon-vias

(TSV) method [17, 18]. To obtain the similar device density as the product 3D flash, the 3D scalable (<20 nm) RRAM is necessary in the future which is demonstrated in literature rarely [19–21]. Yu et al. [19] and Chien et al. [20] have reported

sidewall RRAM memories using HfO x and WO x materials, respectively. Kügeler et al. [21] have reported resistive switching effect in high-density 3D cross-point architecture using AlO x material. Fosbretabulin molecular weight Basically, the cross-point memory devices have been reported by several groups. However, there is no report on interconnection of 3D LGX818 purchase architecture of RRAM, which is one of the bottlenecks to reach high-density memory application. Therefore, a novel approach to form Cu pillar in the Al2O3 material has been investigated for the first time. A simple M-I-M structure can be transferred in the 3D cross-point architecture with Cu pillar for high-density, find more low-energy, and low-cost applications. By applying a positive voltage which is larger than the set voltage, the Cu pillar in an Al/Cu/Al2O3/TiN structure could be formed due to the migration of Cu ions and make contact from one stack to another stack as shown in Figure 1. The Cu migration has a similar function with conductive bridging resistive random access memory (CBRAM). The Cu pillar

diameter will be controlled through current limit of Methocarbamol series transistor (T1-5), and this transistor will be used to control also the current compliance of RRAM or CBRAM devices. To obtain 3D stack, the chemical–mechanical-polishing (CMP) will be used after Al2O3/BE (and/or Al2O3/TE) step. Due to this Cu pillar formation, the area consumed by cross-points will be lesser than that of the conventional cost-effective TSV method. It is well known that the TSV is used for 3D architecture. However, it has a high cost and still needs a larger area. To get a low-cost and high-density Cu interconnection for 3D stacks, 3D architecture with Cu pillar would be a good alternative to overcome the aforementioned TSV issue [22]. In this cross-point architecture (Figure 1), the Cu as an oxidize electrode or top electrode (TE) could be used; other inert electrodes such as tungsten (W) and titanium-nitride (TiN) or bottom electrode (BE) could be used; and Al2O3 film could be used as switching layer. The Al2O3 film as a resistive switching material is very promising for future applications [10–13].

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