It was also interesting to note
that sole nodule occupancy by IGS type VIII in Omondaw at Wa resulted in significantly very high symbiotic N yield relative to its poor performance as a sole occupant of root nodules in ITH98-46 (Figure 2A). Similar differences in N2-fixing efficiency were found for combinations of IGS types resident in nodules of the 9 cowpea genotypes planted at Taung in South Africa (Figure 2B). However, at Taung, the nodules of the 9 cowpea genotypes were associated with very diverse and different IGS types, thus making assessment of individual IGS type symbiotic efficiency very difficult (Figure 2B). Even where an IGS type proved to be symbiotically very Nivolumab research buy efficient with a particular genotype (e.g. IGS type VIII on Omondaw at Wa, Ghana), it can become low in N yield when in combination with other IGS types in nodules of same genotype (e.g. IGS type VIII on Omondaw at Taung, South
Africa). In that case, either the associated IGS types I and II were ineffective in N2 fixation, or their co-occupancy in root nodules had a negative effect on the symbiotic efficiency of IGS type VIII (which as a sole occupant showed high N2-fixing efficiency). selleck products Although it has been demonstrated that the symbiotic performance of a double strain inoculant of Rhizobium leguminosarum was 2.5 times superior to their sole counterparts in subterranean clover [25], it is unclear whether the IGS types of those L-gulonolactone oxidase strains were the same or different. We therefore still do not know much about the negative or positive effects of IGS types on nodule functioning, especially when they are present as sole or multiple occupants on the same host plant. The data on nodule occupancy clearly show that there was greater Bradyrhizobium biodiversity in the soil at Taung in South Africa relative to Ghana and Botswana, with many more IGS types found only in South Africa (Table 5). Cowpea genotypes Fahari, Glenda and Apagbaala proved to be the most promiscuous across the 3 countries in terms
of trapping more strain IGS types: 8 by Fahari, 8 by Glenda and 6 by Apagbaala (Table 4). In addition to the marked strain diversity observed from data on nodule occupancy, PCR-RFLP analysis using HaeIII and Msp restriction enzymes showed four lineage groups for the 18 IGS types (Figure 1). Gene sequencing of the 16S-23S rDNA IGS region further revealed phylogenetic diversity among the Bradyrhizobium IGS types occupying nodules of the 9 cowpea genotypes grown in South Africa, Botswana and Ghana (Figure 3). The gene sequence numbers 104, 27, 36, 103, 115, 68, 5, 201, 22, 117, 153, 146 and 106, representing samples selected from the 18 IGS types and deposited in the Genbank database, clustered with different Bradyrhizobium species.