Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interest. Authors’ contributions OL and JO designed the experiments, supervised the research and wrote the paper. AN, ATYY, TR, BT, NS and MR did experiments and/or data analysis. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background The identification of mold in the clinical laboratory is classically based on macroscopic and microscopic examination of the colonies grown on mycological culture media. It is a slow and complex process requiring highly skilled mycologists, and misidentifications may occur, even in experienced reference laboratories [1]. Additionally, some distinct species, which are identified via DNA sequence analysis, are morphologically indistinguishable Talazoparib mouse [2–4]. Therefore, multilocus DNA sequence analysis represents the recommended approach to accurately identify these microorganisms. Nevertheless, the DNA sequence-based identification of filamentous fungi is primarily limited by the following: i) low DNA extraction yields because mold cells are difficult to lyse, ii) the presence of PCR inhibitors, iii) the presence
of misidentified sequences in non-curated public DNA sequence databases, and iv) the cost and time required for sequencing. Currently, only some clinical laboratories routinely use a molecular approach for microorganism identification, which is primarily due to the cost and application constraints Enzalutamide datasheet [5, 6]. Recently, matrix-assisted desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) has been applied to rapidly identify bacteria and yeasts in the clinical microbiology laboratory setting [7]. This technique is used to analyze microorganism content (primarily ribosomal proteins), thereby generating a spectrum that is considered
the fingerprint of the microorganism [8]. Using this technique, MTMR9 the identification of an unknown organism is performed by comparing the corresponding spectrum to a reference library of spectra. When establishing a reference library for microbial identification purposes, many authors have used reference mass spectra, sometimes referred to as “metaspectra” or “superspectra”, which are generated by combining the results of a various number of individual spectra corresponding to technical replicates of a given sample. Previous studies have indicated that MS could be used to identify various filamentous fungi taxa of clinical interest, including Fusarium spp [9–11], dermatophytes [12, 13], Aspergillus spp [14, 15], and Pseudallescheria/Scedosporium spp [16]; those of industrial interest, including Penicillium spp [17, 18], Verticillium spp [19], and Trichoderma spp [20]; and various filamentous fungal contaminants frequently isolated in the clinical laboratory [21, 22]. The heterogeneous morphological phenotypes of filamentous fungi affect the identification process.