Low-energy traumatic fractures (i.e. a fall from standing height) were regarded as osteoporotic fractures. Vertebral All spinal X-rays were taken according to local protocol; the same protocol was used at baseline and follow-up. Lateral radiographs of the spine were scored
according to the semi-quantitative method described by Genant et al. www.selleckchem.com/products/XL184.html [12]. Scoring was performed individually by two trained observers (MV and WL) and consensus both at baseline and follow-up was obtained in cases of discrepancies between both observers. Follow-up radiographs were scored blinded for the baseline image, and the results were subsequently compared to the baseline X-rays and scores to see if new vertebral fractures were detected. A fracture was scored as an incident vertebral fracture if it was not present at baseline or if there was a significant increase in loss of height (more than 20%) in a vertebra which was already fractures at baseline. Ethics The study protocol was approved by the local medical ethical committees of the three centres and all patients gave written informed consent. Statistical analysis Patients with incident fractures (vertebral or non-vertebral fractures) ZD1839 nmr were compared to those not having a new fracture with regard to demographic variables, clinical variables
and BMD using two-sided t tests for continuous variables and chi-square tests for counts. The incidence of patients with fractures was expressed per 100 patients/year with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Possible predictors of incident vertebral and non-vertebral fractures were subsequently examined in a multivariate logistic regression analysis. The criteria for entering from independent variables in the logistic regression analysis were a p value <0.2 in the univariate analysis and a supposed clinical relevance for the dependent variable. We were able
to build a prediction model with only significant covariates by using backward stepwise elimination of the least significant covariate. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Chicago, IL, USA) version 15.0. Results Patient characteristics The clinical characteristics of the 102 patients included in this study are presented in Table 1. At baseline, the patients had a mean (SD) age of 61 (6) years with a median (range) disease duration of 17 (6–25) years, 83% of the patients had erosive disease and 65% patients were rheumatoid factor positive. Table 1 Characteristics of the 102 patients with RA included in the 5-year follow-up Baseline Follow-up Age, years Mean (SD) 61 (6) na Disease duration, years Median (range) 17 (6–25) na IgM-RF positive (>25 U/ml) n (%) 67 (65) 67 (65) Joint erosions present, patients n (%) 85 (83) 85 (83) BMI, kg/m2 Mean (SD) 25.5 (5) 26.0 (5) HAQ Mean (SD) 1.48 (0.62) 1.59 (0.89) Corticosteroids Ever use n (%) 65 (64) na Use (during follow-up) n (%) na 58 (57)a Months used (during follow-up) Mean (SD) na 43.8 (25.4) ≥7.