Overall our re sults indicate that defects in the cellular antio

Overall our re sults indicate that defects in the cellular antio idant capacity contribute to ROS accumulation during trans formation, and that oncogene induced Nrf2 repression is an adaptive response for certain cancer cells to ac quire a pro o idant state that favors cell survival and tumor growth. Results In vitro transformation of human MSC leads to an increase in intracellular ROS that contributes to the transformed phenotype To investigate changes in ROS levels during tumorige nesis, we employed a previously developed stepwise trans formation model of human MSC. Briefly, primary MSC were sequentially infected with the human telomerase gene and the oncoproteins E6 and E7 from HPV 16. The e pression of these genes led to cellular immortalization and to the inactivation of p53 and pRB tumor suppres sors.

The additional e pression of ST antigen from SV40 and oncogenic H RasV12 has been shown to induce transformation in other human cells. MSC e pressing these five genes acquired full transformed fea tures as showed by their ability to induce tumors in nude mice. Therefore, MSC5 or transformed MSC were named thereafter tMSC. To determine the production of ROS during MSC transformation, we measured ROS levels by flow cytometry after cell staining with MitoSO Red, a dye commonly used for the detection of mito chondrial free radical supero ide. This staining led to more than two fold increase in the fluorescence intensity of tMSC when compared with immortal MSC1.

To delineate the step during in vitro trans formation where increased ROS occur, we compared the fluorescence intensity of MSC e pressing different onco gene combinations after staining with CM H2DCFDA, a dye that detects different types of ROS including hydrogen pero ide. While immortal MSC1 produced similar amounts of ROS to MSC3, the additional e pression of ST and H RasV12 led to a significant increase in ROS production. Since increased ROS have been shown to promote tumor development and progres sion, we ne t investigated whether ROS scavenging by an tio idants affected the viability and the transforming capabilities of tMSC. Treatment with N acetyl L cysteine or ascorbic acid diminished the accumulation of ROS in tMSC. We also found that NAC compromised the viability of tMSC, but not that of immortal MSC3 or MSC1.

Furthermore, NAC treatment impaired in vitro transfor mation of tMSC measured by colony formation in soft agarose, suggesting that a certain threshold of intracellular ROS levels is required to maintain the trans formed phenotype of MSC. Transformation of MSC induces transcriptional down Batimastat regulation of antio idant genes To investigate potential mechanisms for increased ROS in tMSC we e ploited gene e pression microarray data pre viously generated in our laboratory.

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