Staining was analyzed within 30 minutes after completion of fi ation by flow cytometry. For all measurements 20,000 gated events were collected. Inhibition of antibody binding by soluble podoplanin The podoplanin specific antibodies 18H5 and NZ 1 were pre incubated with concentrated, soluble podoplanin Fc fusion protein for 30 minutes at 4 C before staining of apoptotic cells for subsequent FACS analysis. Statistical analyses Statistical significance was determined by employing a two tailed students t test for paired samples. Results Efficient binding of soluble CLEC 2 to 293T cells does not require e pression of the HIV 1 envelope protein In order to better understand HIV 1 interactions with CLEC 2, we first asked if CLEC 2, like DC SIGN, binds to the HIV 1 envelope protein.
For this, we generated soluble versions of DC SIGN and CLEC 2 by fusing the e tracellular domain of these lectins to the Fc portion of human immunoglobulin. Soluble DC SIGN bound to control transfected 293T cells with higher effi ciency than the Fc control protein, most likely due to recognition of cellular proteins harbouring high mannose and or fucose containing glycans, which are bound by DC SIGN. Notably, however, binding was substantially enhanced upon e pression of the HIV 1 NL4 3 Env protein on 293T cells, indicating that DC SIGN binds to HIV 1 Env, as e pected from pub lished data. Finally, the interaction of soluble DC SIGN with control cells and Env e pressing cells was spe cific, since binding could be inhibited by the mannose polymer mannan, a previously described inhibitor of DC SIGN interactions with ligands.
Soluble CLEC 2 also bound to 293T cells with higher efficiency than the Fc control protein. However, in stark contrast to the results obtained with soluble DC SIGN, the interac tion was not inhibited by mannan and was not enhanced by e pression of the viral Env protein. In agreement with these results, soluble HIV 1 Env protein bound specifi cally to DC SIGN but not to CLEC 2 e pressing cells. We therefore concluded that CLEC 2, in contrast to DC SIGN, does not capture HIV 1 Env. Instead, CLEC 2 seemed to recognize a cellular factor e pressed on 293T cells, and binding to this factor did not depend on recog nition of high mannose carbohydrates. Podoplanin, a recently identified CLEC 2 ligand, is e pressed on 293T cells The cellular mucin podoplanin was recently shown to interact with CLEC 2.
Podoplanin is endogenously e pressed by kidney podocytes. Therefore, we inves tigated if the kidney derived cell line 293T also e presses podoplanin. Flow cytometric analysis indeed revealed high Brefeldin_A levels of podoplanin on the surface of 293T cells. E pression was further enhanced upon trans fection of 293T cells with a podoplanin e pression plas mid, and higher levels of podoplanin resulted in more efficient binding of soluble CLEC 2. In contrast, no binding to the lymphoid cell line CEM��175 R5 was detected, which was podoplanin negative.