The main objectives of the GenTEE network are to document and com

The main objectives of the GenTEE network are to document and compare current practices and the state of genetic service provision in the participating eight emerging economies via a standardised

global survey (GenTEE survey) that allows comparison of services internationally across a number of key dimensions by using a core set of indicators selected by the GenTEE participants for their relevance Adriamycin and comparability. In addition, the GenTEE survey identifies current knowledge gaps and unmet service needs. The outline of the special issue Presented are four papers from the CAPABILITY project; two of them addressing conceptual approaches developed by the CAPABILITY consortium and two papers describing the outcomes of capacity building demonstration projects in Argentina and South Africa. Six papers are provided by GenTEE participants describing in a condensed way outcomes of the GenTEE survey in Argentina, Brazil, China,

Oman, the Philippines and South Africa. The IHCP will publish a comprehensive report on the outcome of the GenTEE survey later this year. This report will include the outcomes for the surveys conducted in Egypt and India which could not be included in this special issue. In their paper “Health needs assessment for medical genetic services for congenital disorders in middle-&low-income nations,” Selonsertib Arnold Christianson describe the CAPABILITY HNA approach. CAPABILITY HNA is an epidemiological-assisted find more systematic approach for providing health policy makers with data for informed decision making in order to plan, introduce and beneficially change health care services (genetic services) to improve both individual and population health. Florian Meier et al. explore ways how middle- and low-income countries could acquire the necessary capital to strengthen health care services/genetic services

via public–private partnerships (PPPs). So far, PPPs have been used exclusively in other health areas. In their paper “Public–private partnerships as a solution for integrating genetic services into health care of countries with low and middle incomes,” a first attempt PIK-5 is made to discuss the feasibility of transferring the concept of PPPs to genetic services and explore how the PPP model could be applied for infrastructure building services. The success of the CAPABILITY Argentina demonstration project is described by Cristina Barreiro et al. in “CHACO outreach project: The development of a primary health care based medical genetic service in an Argentinean province.” Based upon a systematic HNA for Argentina, the outreach project was conducted in one (Chaco) of the 10 Argentine provinces that lacked genetic services.

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