screening libraries Moreover, inhibition of AKT activity leads to Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries potent dephosphorylation of known downstream targets such as p70S6K and retinoblastoma protein, ULK1 and increased cleavage of caspase 3. While similar potency to inhibit S473 AKT and p70S6 Kinases was observed for NVP BGT226 as well as NVP BEZ235 the capacity to mediate T308 AKT and RB dephosphorylation as well as cleavage Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of caspase 3 was more pronounced for NVP BGT226 compared to NVP BEZ235. Suppression of PI3K AKT MTORC12 signal trans duction did translate into a potent antiproliferative ef fect for both dual PI3KMTOR inhibitors with similar potency in the lower nanomolar range. Surprisingly, a strong discrepancy was noticed for the proapoptotic potential of these two inhibitors.
Potent in duction of apoptosis was observed for NVP BGT226, while in contrast, virtually any meaningful proapoptotic effect was measured for NVP BEZ235 in an annexin V based assay. This observation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries is consistent with immunoblot findings of reduced cleavage intensity of caspase 3 in NVP BEZ235 treated cells. NVP BGT226 inhibits cellular proliferation and overcomes cell cycle arrest to induce apoptosis in acute leukemia cell lines To expand our studies to other oncogene driven AKT acti vated leukemia cell models, we chose leukemia cell lines with known gain of function tyrosine kinase mutations, which are prevalent in 30 40% of patients with AML or ALL The acute monocytic leukemia cell line MOLM14 and the CML blast crisis cell line K562 were exposed to NVP BGT226 in a dose dependent manner and inhibition of cellular proliferation was determined.
In addition, efficacy of NVP BGT226 was directly compared to Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries NVP BEZ235. Both inhibitors proved to be highly sensi tive with estimated IC50s in the lower nanomolar ranges for both cell lines. When looking at the capacity to induce apoptosis in these leukemia cells, NVP BGT226 proved to be a strong inducer of programmed cell death in both cell lines. However, estimated IC50s were considerably higher compared to the antiproliferative capacity. Interestingly, when treating cells Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with NVP BEZ235 only a minor proportion of cells underwent apoptosis with IC50s that were not reached up to doses of 10 000 nM. The obvious discrepancy of NVP BGT226 and NVP BEZ235 to induce apoptosis while both agents selleck catalog are highly sensitive with regard to inhibition of cellular proliferation, lead us to hypothesize that divergent cell cycle effects may be the reason for this observation. We treated MOLM14 and K562 cells with IC50 doses of NVP BGT225 or the 2 fold dose of NVP BEZ235 and set up time dependent cell cycle analysis by PI stain flow cytometry. Accumulation of cells in the G1G0, S or G2M phases was monitored 6, 24 and 72 hours after application of either agent.