etli CFN42 is not unique to this strain. A screening of the location of panCB genes among members of the Rhizobiales, showed that the occurrence of these genes in plasmids is a highly conserved trait among R. etli and R. leguminosarum strains. Furthermore, the synteny of the panCB, oxyR, katG genes in R. etli CFN42 is conserved in R. etli CIAT652 and in R. leguminosarum strains 3841, WSM1325 and WSM2304. In contrast, genomes of Rhizobium sp., Sinorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium and Mesorhizobium
species carried chromosomal panCB genes. Only in A. tumefaciens C58 the panCB genes are localized in the linear chromosome, whereas in all other Rhizobiales harboring secondary chromosomes the panCB genes were located in chromosome I. A bioinformatic analysis with MicrobesOnline operon predictions [22] indicates that panCB genes are organized as possible operons in most of the Rhizobiales examined in this work: all these predicted operons conserve the four nucleotide overlap between the panC TGA codon and the panB ATG codon observed in R. etli CFN42 (data not shown). In the genomes of Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1, Nitrobacter hamburgensis X14, Methylobacterium
extorquens AM1, Methylobacterium radiotolerans eFT-508 datasheet JCM2831 and Xantobacter autotrophicus Ry2, panC and panB are encoded in separate chromosomal loci, whereas in Methylobacterium nodulans ORS2060 panC is located in the chromosome and panB in plasmid pMNOD02. The Rhizobiales BI 10773 cell line phylogeny inferred from concatenated panC and panB genes was consistent with the phylogeny deduced from 10 concatenated housekeeping genes. The low bootstrap values obtained for some nodes of the panCB phylogeny might be due to the small number of informative characters in the alignments of only two genes (1 977 nucleotides). This is consistent with previous reports that state that trees from longer alignments obtained by the concatenation of genes encoding multiple-protein families have higher bootstrap support than trees inferred from genes encoding single proteins [23]. The phylogenetic relationships among Rhizobium species carrying panCB genes in plasmids with
their closest relatives, Agrobacterium and Sinorhizobium species, harboring panCB genes in Buspirone HCl the chromosome was also observed in neighbor-joining trees inferred from single panC and panB genes (data not shown). These data agree with the hypothesis that plasmid-encoded panCB genes are orthologs of the panCB genes located in chromosome. From these results, we propose that the presence of the panCB genes in plasmids in R. etli and R. leguminosarum species may be due to an intragenomic transfer event from chromosome to plasmid. The mechanism leading to the transfer of core genes from chromosome to plasmids could involve cointegration and excision events between the replicons, similar to rearrangements that have been visualized in S. meliloti [24]. The translocation of genes from chromosome to plasmids may be part of the complex evolution of multipartite genomes.